MG Medicals, Quality Assurance
MG Medicals, Briefing of Climax Spray 12gm 1s

1. Shake the climax spray bottle for 10 seconds
2. Press the bottle nozzle and apply 4 sprays to the shaft of the penis more importantly around the penis head.
3. With the help of finger apply the lotion evenly to the part, and wait until it dries off before starting sexual intercourse.
4. The recommended dosage is 4 sprays, some they are sensitive, so the dosage may vary. Sometimes the dosage of 3 sprays is enough to delay ejaculation and may prolong sex.
5. The maximum dosage can be 10 sprays per day.
To avoid numbness or any other symptoms before oral sex of your partner, wash the climax spray where you have applied.
It is almost safe but to avoid discomfort the area should be rinsed well.

MG Medicals, More Suggestion
Suggestion for Climax Spray 12gm 1s
- Climax spray is commonly used to delay the erection during sexual activity but there are also several other uses where it can be used:
- 1. Prolong Erection
- 2. Premature Ejaculation
- 3. Local anesthesia
- 4. Pain Relief
- 5. Numbness
- This is a brief list and there might be other uses and benefits of the climax spray as well.
MG Medicals, Tips & Warnings