MG Medicals, Quality Assurance
Compositionmix of strong herbs and ingredients sourced from Himalayas
Similaritymix of strong herbs and ingredients sourced from Himalayas
StorageRoom Temperature
MG Medicals, Briefing of Hashmi Sikander-e-Azam Plus 10 Capsule

Sikander-e-Azam Plus uses herbal ingredients that reduce the nasty reactions of synthetic medicines. All of the herbal supplements in Sikander-e-Azam Plus have been detailed and utilized for a centuries as a technique for enhancing male performance, and have been clinically turned out to be effective.

Not Available

As directed by your doctor.

Sikandar-e-azam Plus (manufactured by Hashmi Dawakhana a GMP certified company) is made using a mix of strong herbs and ingredients sourced from Himalayas. The mystery formulation has been prepared after broad research and scientific testing. All ingredients are genuine, organic and natural. It is upheld by the certainty and surety of Hashmi Dawakhana. All ingredients are said on the packaging with the goal that you know you are purchasing the best male enhancement product of the world.
MG Medicals, Tips & Warnings

No suitable interactions or adverse effect found.

No suitable interactions or adverse effect found.

No suitable interactions or adverse effect found.

No suitable interactions or adverse effect found.

No suitable interactions or adverse effect found.

No suitable interactions or adverse effect found.
MG Medicals, If miss a dose
If you miss a dose of Hashmi Sikander-e-Azam Plus Capsule 10s, please consult your doctor.Do not double the dose, take the next dose when required.
The site and the information of MG Medicals ( are ONLY for reference purposes, and or MG Medicals or MG Medicals Pharmacy cannot be a replacement of professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. MG Medicals request all visitors to obtain the advice of a physician or any qualified health provider with any questions they may have regarding a medical condition. Any prescription drugs, it??s only be sold with the approval of qualified doctors, specialists, or pharmacists.